Empathy mapping - What is it? Empathy mapping articulates what you know about the emotional and mental state of your users. By externalizing all of this knowledge, you are able to create a shared understanding of their needs and how they will approach your product. A...
Web Design, News, and Technological Articles.
Homepage Design Website Ideas in 2021
A website's homepage is the first impression, and a great homepage design should make it one to remember. More and more often these days, a visitor's first interaction with a brand is through their website, and according to survey data, 75% of users judge a website's...
Brand Name – Top Business Naming Tips and Exercises
When you're building a business, there are a lot of decisions to make. Business naming is probably one of the first decisions you'll make. What will your brand name be? How will you express everything that makes up your brand in just a word or two? But it's not just a...
Content Creation and Curation Working Together
Most entrepreneurs realize by now just how valuable content creation and curation can be. With excellent content, you can improve your reputation, attract more people to your website, and ultimately score more conversions. What's more, your content can work...
Websites Built for Different Types of Businesses
Having a social media presence for your business is important, but having a website is also a critical way to connect with potential customers. That's why it's ley to understand the different types of business websites you can choose from. Business website examples: 9...
Universal Design – Explanation and How it is Used
If you've heard the term universal design thrown about but haven't delved into what it truly means, you're in luck. This article delves into the core principles of universal design, its advantages, and simple steps on how you can effectively utilize it in your...
Web Design Trends That Unfolded in 2021
Given all the drama, panic, and fear that dominated 2020, we are seeing brands tone their usage of color in 2021. Businesses, their customers, and the population as a whole have had to make adjustments and may have to make even more as we prepare for what will be the...
Fonts for Your Web Design – How to Choose the Right One
Though it may look like a trivial element, however, choice of fonts influences the success of your web design. It can immediately catch the attention of your audience and present a lasting impression. Selecting fonts should excite you because it’s one of the most...
Web Accessibility – The Complete Learning Guide
Web accessibility is something many internet users don't think about, yet it affects almost all of us in some way. Accessibility is about you, your friends, colleagues, and family members. It's about having empathy for the internet users. The aim of this guide is to...
Offshore Software Development – Reasons For its Popularity
Offshore development is the process of developing digital solutions for parent industries by outsourcing some or all development-related tasks to a third-party company from a different country. Offshore software development is different than remote software...
Automation – Used to Increase Web Traffic
One of the biggest challenges entrepreneurs face is getting their business in front of potential customers. Marketing attracts leads, leads become customers, and customers provide profit. It is a never-ending cycle. However, the question then becomes where does one...
Bad Branding – How to Avoid the Worst Branding Mistake
Bad branding can be the worst version of iconic. The most recent example of this phenomenon is the disastrous M&M green and white logo. It's been said that a company's brand is its DNA, but with so many generic companies out there now, what makes one stand out...