by | Dec 30, 2020 | Design, Marketing
If you’d told us this time last year that we’d be soon be locked in our houses, running entirely remote teams and creative processes, navigating some of the most significant social crises in living memory, and having meetings with the CEO whilst wearing our slippers,...
by | Dec 28, 2020 | Design, Graphic Design, Logo Design, Marketing, Web Design
So, you’ve developed a groundbreaking product that’s garnered great traction before its launch. You’ve also likely found a brilliant team who believe in your product and who’ll leave no stone unturned to launch it. You might have even built a robust...
by | Dec 2, 2020 | Design, Logo Design, Marketing, Mojoe.Net
Most entrepreneurs have limited financial resources and very limited time, yet far too often, I see business owners investing both their hard-earned money and their time into aspects of their business that don’t matter if sales do not occur. As a 37-year-old...
by | Nov 30, 2020 | Design, Marketing, Website
So far, the digital marketing trends for 2021 seem to revolve around two distinct, but almost contradictory concepts. First is a general humanization, addressing real issues and tailoring content to suit the individual (as opposed to mass appeal) for more personal...
by | Nov 25, 2020 | Design, Marketing, Social Media
Whether you’re a professional marketer or a business owner looking to do your own online marketing, you need certain traits in order to be successful. While some of these traits are inborn — meaning you either have them or you don’t — most can be learned...