by | Sep 2, 2020 | Design, Mojoe.Net, News, Web Design, Website
Malcolm Gladwell’s bestselling book, Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, has a provocative thesis. Contrary to commonsense, which warns against “snap judgments,” Gladwell argues that, often, our automatic, largely unconscious way of making decisions...
by | Aug 31, 2020 | Design, Graphic Design, Logo Design, Mojoe.Net, News
Every day consumers are confronted with countless logos, mostly unaware of how these icons are constantly transmitting a slew of messages aimed at the subconscious. “A company’s logo is its shorthand, a visual cue that tells a story of the brand’s...
by | Aug 28, 2020 | App Development, Design, Development, Mojoe.Net, News
These days, with the Google Play store home to 3.5 million apps, and the App Store home to over 2.2 million (according to Statista), it can seem like every business has a mobile app. Even your local pizza shop may be getting in on the action! The temptation for even...
by | Aug 26, 2020 | Design, Mojoe.Net, News, SEO, Web Design, Website
Do you think of SEO and web design as separate elements of your website? You shouldn’t. In fact, to do both correctly, they have to work together. Google cares about how your site looks and feels more than you might think it does. Even if it can’t “see” it the same...
by | Aug 24, 2020 | Design, Graphic Design, Logo Design, Mojoe.Net, News
Big brands approach the branding process strategically, and small businesses tend to approach the branding process visually — usually with just a logo. This is because it’s harder to talk about the value of strategy and easier to sell a “thing” like...